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  • brennaliz2015 2:38 pm on April 27, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , CA Class, Ex-best friends, ,   

    Screamo Music 

    I know somme of you may think that screamo music is really supid….however, I have to disagree…I think it’s really awesome since I’ve been listening to it lately. Thanks to a kid in my Communications class named John he gave me a list of his top listened to songs on his iPod and I listened to them and they are really amazing.

    I can’t wait for May 22…it’s the day of the March of Dimes March for Babies campign. It’s basically a walk-a-thon. It’s totally fun and it’s for a really good cause. And it’s somethign I’ll hopefully get to do this year since I didn’t go last year. I have a lot of money I’ve raised for the March of Dimes the past few months and it’s something I really want to present at the Walk. But only will I get to do that when I get the chance to go. Hopefully I’ll get to go. But unfortently I got to go to a graduation at a college where some of my cousins will be graduating. So we’ll see.

    Also…I know you all know Carley…well…she and I are no longer friends. Long story  short I hate her and really could care less about her I’ve basically been kicked out of my group of friends. So I’m the Middle School loner. Lovely right? Oh well… at least I still have my Alexander… and I’m super happy that I still have him. Because if I didn’t have him I’d probably die from despair.

    MAP testing was the past two days straight. It’s something that the state has us do to test our smarticles. Which since my state is poor we get less testing than the average state. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Take that Missouri! Haha sorry. Gosh, I think I’m starting to babble. Well… the teacher’s coming and I think I’ll go. BYE!

    • savannaurbff 6:02 pm on May 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      thats sadi ges im now officially BFF#1 now. write more!! and ttyl g2g luv u.

  • brennaliz2015 4:31 pm on October 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , CA Class, , Kelsey   

    Just in CA Class! 

    I love this picture. It so rocks your socks!

    Hey! What’s up! I’m just in CA Class with my friend Kelsey! She rocks your socks. I’m supposed to be typing my Student-Led Conference letter… but I got that done and I’m reading and awesome book I just got at the book fair! 🙂 It’s the best!

    It’s the Manga Maximum Ride Series. I’m reading the third one! Haha!

    Okay, I need your guys’ help! I’m selling stuff for my Jr. High Marching Band. And I want you guys to please, please, please, buy something. This stuff is good for Christmas gifts and they’re really good jewelry and stuff. I’m going to set up the account and maybe get back to you guys with the link on say…. Monday? No Tuesday… I don’t know. I’ll post the link and then you guys can look around and see if you like anything.

    This helps our Beginner Band, Jr. Music, Jr. Marching and Regular Band, and it helps out the Pep Band and the Conference band and the regular band for the high school.

    Please, tell your friends about this and please, buy! This helps out our poor band to maybe buy a new bass drum! Which is around 1000 dollars(?) And we really need the money since we’re basically on our own for funding.

    Alrighty, I’m gonna make like a banana and split. Haha! Wait, Mood TIme!

    Kelsey’s Mood: happy! Excited. Really, Really, Really, excited.

    Brenna’s Mood: Content and happy.

    • Audacity download 5:48 pm on November 1, 2010 Permalink | Reply


    • kelseyrianne 7:04 pm on January 8, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      hey,, it’s my moood!(: (: (: yay!(: love you girl!(: your the best! Can’t wait to walk with you to confirmation again! Confirmation makes my Wednesday, the best Wednesday’s ever, and my favorite day of the week!(: Thanks!(: See ya soon!(: love ya girl!

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